Home / Arts & Entertainment / Why we’re wary of choosing moneybags as DAME sponsors – Founder, Lanre Idowu
Mr. Lanre Idowu

Why we’re wary of choosing moneybags as DAME sponsors – Founder, Lanre Idowu

Mr. Lanre Idowu

26 December 2021
Diamond Awards for Media Excellence clocked up 30 this year. Its Supervising Trustee, Mr. Lanre Idowu, speaks to OLADIMEJI RAMON about the history of the Award and its essence

It’s been 30 years since Diamond Awards for Media Excellence (DAME) was inaugurated. At that time, what was the idea behind it?

A little over 30 years ago, there was what was pronounced in media practice in Nigeria as ‘junk journalism’. That was the era of ‘soft sell’. There were so many publications springing up, trying to cater to the human interest angle (of news reporting) away from hard political and economic news. While making a success of it, there was a problem. What featured then was that there were a lot of big stories poorly investigated – salacious news items – and that was affecting the image of the profession negatively. And people were calling for punitive measures to be taken against the press and we felt our profession was really going down.

So, we felt that rather than wait for government, we, as private individuals, could do something on our own, more or less a self-regulatory mechanism, an internal thing put together by journalists, who have some training and who were concerned enough to do something on their own. So, that gave birth to two ideas. One was to have a publication called Media Review; and two, to periodically look at what is happening in the industry, analyse it and also call out ourselves when we felt we were doing things that were less than professional.

We felt that we should also have a complementary programme that would salute and celebrate good and heroic deeds in the media. So, that gave birth to DAME.

Media Review came out March 19, 1991. At the public presentation, we promised that the award would also follow and that was what we did. So, that’s the background.

Thirty years down the line, will you say the publication, Media Review, and DAME have helped to adequately address the concerns that gave rise to them?

Without a doubt, I think we have; to the extent that there is something that people look forward to in terms of appreciation or recognition. But it does not mean that all the problems have disappeared and I don’t think there was any pretence that they would just disappear. The focus more has been to show that we have the capacity to address our issues, which is something that should be encouraged. And to the extent that we’ve been able to keep that going for so long, it shows that it is something good and welcome. I think it can only be strengthened and made better and bigger. But, of course, there are constraints in terms of finance. But I think we’ve been faithful to our mandate.

It’s not easy to sustain an initiative for three decades. In the course of these years, what have been your major challenges and were there times you felt you should call it quits?

Well, I think we never got to any point where we thought it would be the end. But, yes, there were challenges about sustainability. The model that we started with was to give different categories of awards, which we look for sponsors to underwrite. They pay the cash prizes for the awards and in some cases, give relevant work tools such as laptops. At the same time, these sponsors also underwrite part of the cost of hosting the award. And because the award is designed as a private thing, the areas where we have looked for support are governed by two major considerations. Before we approach anyone or an organisation for sponsorship, we look at their relevance to the award we are asking them to sponsor. Once we are convinced that there is some linkage that we are comfortable with and we can defend, we reach out to such parties. Whether they accept is a different thing.

There are many things we want to do that we’ve not been able to get the right partners. Either because the proposed partner is unwilling to commit that lump or we are not comfortable with those who have been suggested to us. So, it is a two-way thing and we try as much as possible to go to bed with only people we are comfortable with.

For instance, we have some categories, like Editorial Writing. When we held the first edition of DAME, it wasn’t one of the prizes that we thought of. But the late Mr. Tunji Oseni, who was one of our partners and judges, thought Editorial Writing was such an important craft and category and that we should have a prize for it. And he volunteered, if it was okay with us, to put up the sponsorship money. Of course, we were very delighted to welcome that, and that award has been kept in his name, even after he has passed on, as a token of our appreciation of whom he was as a great editorial writer in his own days. He was a columnist and we felt there would be a synergy between DAME and him, as far as that category is concerned.

When we started Editorial Cartoon, using that as another example, Mr. Sam Amuka, if you know his antecedents, you will know that he, perhaps more than any other person, gave full vent for the blossoming of editorial cartooning as a craft; whether it was at The PUNCH or at Vanguard, where his imprints are strong. So, again, you can see that connection.

There was a time we went to former Governor Gbenga Daniel in Ogun State. We persuaded him to sponsor Newspaper of the Year prize – not him as a person, but the Government of Ogun State. And it was for the simple reason that the first newspaper in Nigeria was published in Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun State. So, these are the types of considerations we want, but some people tell us that, perhaps, we’re too idealistic in our operation; telling us to look for moneybags and all that. But we are very careful about things like that and that in itself, of course, has had some impact on the scope of what we are doing. But it is still a work in progress even after 30 years. There will be successors in terms of those who will carry on with the idea; we will do it up to a point and we are already looking for partners, who can help to sustain it. But that is not to say that we are leaving next year, but there will be different roles as we go on.

Many journalists have expressed concerns that DAME has fewer categories compared to some other similar awards. Are you likely going to review your policy, so that DAME can have more categories to reward more journalists, across more beats?

It’s a two-way thing. Even as we speak, the review process is on. There are new categories that we have identified. We’ve reached out but maybe we have not succeeded in getting such partners on board. With respect to other awards, it’s okay, some people can have hundred categories but you and I should know that it’s one thing to have categories, it’s another thing to ensure that it speaks to the essence of our work.

Yes, we have such plans but every category must speak to what it is designed to achieve. I have seen examples of what you call similar bodies and there are a number of instances where I see a duplication of categories; they are not explicit enough. But I speak for DAME; we are not interested in being big for big sake; we are interested in managing what has meaning; what has value; what people can connect with.

I was talking about the linkages between the sponsors and the categories; it’s also possible, for instance, if you get a heavy endowment, maybe we don’t even need to look for sponsors, if that endowment is so big enough to be able to take care of some categories. Some categories may not be attractive enough to some sponsors but then they are important and in recent times, we have awarded prizes in one or two or three categories that didn’t have sponsors because we feel that they are important and we should not make those who work in those beats feel any less adequate.

The point I’m making is that we are not going to add categories because we want the award to be fat; we will add categories that have meaning, that reflect the emerging trend in the industry, but we will also maintain categories that are central, crucial to the work we do.

What makes you most gratified in these last 30 years that this award has been running?

I think we’ve been able to put in place or institutionalised what I will regard as the culture of appreciation; some of these things may be intangible, we may not be able to measure them but you don’t build a society without values; you don’t strengthen an industry without having benchmarks; you don’t inspire people without giving them hope. I think those are the things that are important to us.

We see this as a mission field and things that we need to do and we are grateful to the partners who have worked with us all these years. I must mention UNICEF and everybody knows what UNICEF does as far as children’s interests are concerned. They’ve been with us for about 17 years, providing prizes for, one, the organisation that pays the most qualitative attention to children’s welfare, on one hand, and then to individual journalists, whose work is deemed to have shed great light on an issue concerning the Nigerian child in any particular year. Those are the kinds of things that encourage us to continue to do it.

And I am always happy when I meet people that I may not even recognise and they say they won DAME in a particular year; I remember the names but I may not know the faces. And I see how DAME has also helped the career path of some of the winners and as long as we are able to render that small service, I think we must continue to be grateful to the Almighty God for that opportunity. And of course, we want to do more and we hope that in the years to come, we will continue to keep faith with it. We want to be around for as long as the Pulitzer has been in the United States. Yes, it’s a big deal here that we’ve done 30 years but when you look elsewhere and see people who have been at it for about 100 years, you tell yourself there is still a lot to be done. Our aim is something that will outlast us and continue to be relevant and useful to the industry, that is so crucial to nation building. I don’t think there is anybody who can ignore the role of the media.

Can you give us a glimpse into the process by which DAME winners are determined for the different categories?

We receive entries electronically. We have a team in the secretariat that goes through the entries to ensure that what has been sent conforms to what we have asked for. For instance, the year of evaluation is 2020, but you have some people sending works produced in 2021, you have to sort out all those; and then you have some people not submitting according to the timeline and since it is a contest, we just disqualify them; we cut off the entries at the deadline.

And then in some cases, you find that an entry, on the face of it, looks so good but it has been entered in the wrong category or contrary to instructions; or somebody enters one work in two different categories, of course, that is automatic disqualification. I think a good number of journalists don’t read instructions well.

When we have done that, we then look at the volume of works in different categories. In a particular category, you may find 80 to 100 entries and to give that to one judge to look at, you are going to kill him. So, internally, we go through some of the works and we know what we are looking for; so before we even give them to the judges we put some aside that don’t measure up to the requirements. When we have finally come down to a manageable size, we set up a committee, maybe of three people, they hold their meetings; they do the assessment and the scoring and afterwards they turn it in to the secretariat. Then we give it to another committee. Let’s say Committee A looks at Nutrition Reporting and Sports, for example, when Committee A finishes with their assessment and gives the scores, they will present the best five entries. We then give to Committee C to review the work of Committee A and come up with what they consider to be the best three entries. And that is further sent to the general body of judges where there are debates on what entries should be winners and runners-up. We listen to all sorts of arguments and then at the end of it all, we decide by consensus. When we can’t reach consensus, we vote. And it’s interesting because when you listen to others, some things that you didn’t consider, you will see how other people analyse and present them. It’s enriching.

If picking the best three entries out of scores of entries involves such a rigorous process, why then is DAME winner-takes-all; why are there no prizes for the runners-up?

It’s an interesting question. It’s not totally true that there is no recognition or no gifts for runners-up. What we try to do is give them materials like books to read to help them deepen their understanding of the industry. It’s only the winner that gets a cash prize in addition to other things and in some categories, the institutional prizes. For instance Editorial Writing, there is no cash attached to that, because it’s for an organisation. If it is won by FESTAC News, they get a plaque to display in their office. For instance, in what we call Child-friendly Medium, for the newspaper that is adjudged to have taken strong interest in issues concerning the Nigerian child, we give them a complete desktop computer.

From what you’ve seen over the years, what more do you think Nigerian journalists should be doing to enhance the quality of their works; what are the gaps you still see that need to be plugged?

For me, the main thing I see from our reporting is how we frame issues. What’s the focus of what we are working on? I see a number of stories, the headline can be promising but when you go through it, you find out that sometimes the treatment has not been faithful to the promise of the headline. Sometimes, you find what I call over-writing or packing a lot of irrelevancies into the work to make it appear long and important.

I think the issue of news judgment and news management are areas where we have some works to do. And when I say news management, I believe that story ideas are still discussed in editorial meetings; the supervisors or line editors, I think there should be more discussions as the story develops. This means that there needs to be more deliberate planning. I’m talking of stories that require extensive leg work; you are saying this issue is important to our people. When we talk about fire outbreaks, for example, what is our response? In high-rise buildings, there are regulations, but how many of these high-rise buildings observe these regulations? What are they supposed to put in place? On every floor, there is supposed to be a fire extinguisher, smoke detectors; etc. Are these things in place? Are they working? And in the event that a particular building cannot respond to fire outbreak, where are the fire services? In what state are they? How can they be deployed? Who has responsibility? Is it the state or federal and how many fire stations do we have in Lagos, for instance? How many should we have on the basis of local governments? These are the kind of stories that require a lot of time and work and by the time you begin to do them; it’s not one story you will write. You will write different stories because there are different angles to explore. And I think that if we take sectors like that and we do deliberate works, we are helping our society; we are helping workers, we are helping businesses, because all these things have implications.

I see too much of political stories, they are important, but I think we need to humanise them more; we need to break them down so that people will see how political inaction and action affect their lives.

Copyright PUNCH.



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