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Dr. Akil Khalfani

How to change our global African future By Dr. Akil Khalfani

My Dear Brothers and Sisters

We remain humble in the footsteps of our ancestors, who maintained our culture and traditions throughout the period of Arab and European enslavement, torture, rape, and the colonial pillage and decimation of Africa, and her people, and the neo colonial era of continued African subjugation by those who look like us, but who are not of us. We must continue to awaken our people, particularly the youth, but also the skilled professionals can use their genius for the benefit of the global Pan African struggle. Africa and African people will be strongest, when the brain drain stops and we must bring all of our intelligence and skills to the motherland, regardless of language, nationality or tribal affiliation. Our different spiritual practices, cultural practices, and histories are the things that will make us strongest in the face of European, Arab, or Asian aggression, even though at some levels, we must work with them all also. We must continue to have healthy skepticism of their intentions and an undying commitment to Africa and African people at all times. Europeans, Arabs, and Asians will all work in their own best interest, even when they are doing things for Africans. We must be clear on this fact, and not be diluted when they offer to do things for our benefit. This does not mean that they are not well intentioned and potentially genuine, however, their underlying allegiance is to themselves.

If we learn anything from our brothers and sisters from Haiti, after they defeated Napoleon in 1804, it is that we must use all of our intellectual, political, spiritual, and other resources, to free ourselves from mental and physical slavery and other types of bondage. We must see ourselves as free men and women never to be enslaved again by outsiders, or by our internal enemies. Bound no more.

One of our major challenges today is mental slavery. We are drugged up on white supremacy. And unfortunately, some of us want to be like white folks, be in the space of white folks, eat like white folks, dressed like white folks, act like white folks, share the religion of white folks or Arabs. Even sharing in their space makes some Africans think that they are better than other people. This, in part, is the basis of our psychological enslavement. We have to learn to love the African skin that we are in, love the African clothes that we wear, love the African languages we speak, love the African things that we invent, and continue to create new African ideas and experiences and realities. This is our African future, those of us who understand and come to this conclusion, create the pathway to transform the global African reality. For example, Burkinabe must know the culture and history of the Kenyan, South African, Ethiopian, and Angolan, before knowing and praising the history of the British, or the Americans were the Chinese. We Africans around the world need to study and learn from, for, and about each other, regardless, if we’re talking about Africans on the continent, or in South America, or in the Caribbean, or in the United States, or in Europe, the Arab world, or in Asia. We must know our global African story and together change our global African future.

Peace and Power

Dr. Khalfani is the Director, Africana Institute of Essex County College, Newark, New Jersey, USA

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