In an unfortunate incident on Monday, May 6, 2024, a drainage worker from the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) became trapped in the underground drainage system in the Onipanu area of Lagos State.
Dr. Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu, the Permanent Secretary of the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), confirmed the incident. He stated that the agency had swiftly activated emergency response operations from its Onipanu Base to rescue the trapped worker.
According to Oke-Osanyintolu, the worker was involved in desilting the drainages in the area to clear a blocked portion when he accessed the underground tunnel and became trapped. Further investigation revealed that the man was employed by LAMATA for drainage maintenance duties.
In response to the situation, LASEMA’s response team and other emergency responders are working diligently to rescue the trapped worker. The operation commenced at 16:25hrs. Sophisticated equipment has been deployed to penetrate the manhole and expedite the rescue efforts.
Additionally, strategic measures have been taken to block and divert the inflow of water from the Ilupeju axis to reduce the volume of fluids in the underground drainage system.
Efforts are ongoing to ensure the safe rescue of the trapped worker, with the collaborative efforts of emergency response teams aiming to bring the situation to a positive conclusion, the authorities said.