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Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi

Sanwo-Olu congratulates Ugwuanyi at 57 

Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State
Gov. Sanwo-Olu

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has felicitated with his Enugu State counterpart, Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi as he marks his 57th birthday.

Governor Sanwo-Olu in a congratulatory message issued in Lagos on Saturday by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Gboyega Akosile, said Governor Ugwuanyi, who clocks 57 today has displayed pragmatic leadership with selflessness and dedication by rendering quality service to the people of Enugu State and Nigeria at large.

He said Ugwuanyi has contributed immensely as former federal lawmaker and currently governor to the growth and development of Enugu State and Nigeria.

Sanwo-Olu also rejoiced with Governor Ugwuanyi’s family, friends, political associates, government and the people of Enugu State on the occasion of the 57th birthday anniversary of his colleague.

He said: “On behalf of my adorable wife, Ibijoke and good people of Lagos State, I join family, friends, political associates and the people of Enugu State to felicitate with you on your 57th birthday.

“Your developmental strides in Enugu State and national growth are noticeable in different areas of endeavours. They are testament to your visionary leadership. Your penchant for diligence and distinction are also evident in your contributions to the development of Nigeria’s socio-economic and political landscape as former member of House of Representatives and now Governor of Enugu State.

“On this occasion of your 57th birthday, I wish you good health, long life, strength and wisdom as you continue to serve your people. I pray that God will grant you the grace to render more service to humanity.”

About Global Patriot Staff

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